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Our Mission

Ellsworth, WI is a community steeped in the ag tradition and the Ellsworth FFA Alumni organization is a supporter of this agricultural lifestyle.

Established in 2005, we are a non-profit organization created to secure the promise of agricultural education by creating an environment where people and communities can develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. 


Since our founding, we have achieved this important mission by supporting the members of the Ellsworth, WI FFA chapter, funding leadership development initiatives, and continuing education through the chapter’s scholarship programs. To date, over $140,000 has been awarded in the form of scholarships, grants, agricultural education class support funding, and donations to Showdown in Curdtown’s community partner organizations.


We value the integral nature of FFA and agricultural education. We value agriculture as an essential part of society. We value diversity in serving all populations. We value the impact of a teacher on a student's life. We value the impact and involvement of parents/guardians and communities on a student's life. We value the community's support of agricultural education teachers and programs.

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FFA Alumni Scholarship Programs

Each year, the FFA Alumni awards an average of $2,500 in scholarships to Ellsworth High School graduates and post-secondary students. The number and amount of awards vary year to year, except for the Stephen Kastberg Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000, which is awarded each year to a graduating senior.


These scholarships are awarded to students who have been involved in agriculture and in the high school FFA chapter and are planning to continue their education in agriculture in some form.

Anyone Can Be a Member of the FFA Alumni

You do not need to be a farmer or former FFA member, or even have a job in the agriculture field; you just need to believe in the future of agriculture, the future of our community, and in the future of our youth.


We invite you to attend a meeting and learn what we’re all about!

When:   2nd Sunday of each Month                                                                
Where: Ellsworth High School Ag Room
Time:  7:00pm 
For:  All current members and anyone interested in learning more.


The Showdown in Curdtown owns the exclusive rights to any event they organize. Individuals/organizations cannot stream or broadcast these events on streaming platforms without expressed written consent.

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©2024 Showdown in Curdtown.

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